Portrait of Elderly Man Outdoors

In loving memory of

Silas Luis Sanchez

March 16, 1957 - August 6, 2022

“I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.”

John 11:24

A Life Worth Remembering

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Suspendisse vitae erat interdum, rhoncus tellus feugiat, sollicitudin justo. Donec nec velit ac ligula hendrerit egestas at quis nisl. Ut feugiat condimentum lectus, vel luctus odio euismod nec. Praesent massa quam, luctus vel rhoncus malesuada, tincidunt et leo.

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Nunc ac tincidunt velit. Phasellus condimentum scelerisque est sit amet pretium. Phasellus leo tortor, pellentesque nec molestie eget, porta nec velit. Fusce a odio non mauris consectetur egestas quis non urna. Mauris eleifend pellentesque accumsan. Vestibulum consectetur congue nunc convallis interdum. Duis aliquam tincidunt leo, ut pretium sem. Suspendisse vitae nunc sem.

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Quisque fringilla ex nec ex egestas semper. Maecenas felis tortor, elementum eget justo non, ornare blandit ex. Quisque porttitor nunc eget risus molestie fringilla. Quisque augue sapien, iaculis eu massa ut, tincidunt ornare risus. Quisque mollis nunc vel ipsum tempus maximus.

sailing boat

Silas' Loving Family

Looked forward to seeing again

  • His wife of 30 years, Penelope
  • His son, Antonio
  • His parents, Luis Antonio Sanchez & Isabel Lopez
  • His sister:
    • Veronica Winter

Awaiting his return

  • His children:
    • Maria & Edmund Thomas
    • Angelo & Edith Sanchez
    • Dalay Sanchez
  • His grandsons:
    • Michael Thomas
    • Lucas Thomas

You can send messages to the family at

Life Without End—At Last!

Song 140  John 3:16

1. Can you see with your mind’s eye,

Peoples dwelling together?

Sorrow has passed. Peace at last!

Life without tears or pain.


Sing out with joy of heart!

You too can have a part.

Live for the day when you’ll say,

“Life without end, at last!”

2. In those days all will be young,

All at peace with Jehovah.

Troubles are gone, from now on,

No need to weep or fear.


Sing out with joy of heart!

You too can have a part.

Live for the day when you’ll say,

“Life without end, at last!”

3. Paradise all will enjoy

As we sing of God’s glory.

Long as we live, we will give

Honor and praise to God.


Sing out with joy of heart!

You too can have a part.

Live for the day when you’ll say,

“Life without end, at last!”

See Yourself When All Is New

1. Just see yourself, just see me too;

Just see us all in a world that is new.

Think how you’ll feel, how it will be,

To live in peace, to be truly free.

No evil one will then prevail;

Rule by our God cannot ever fail.

The time will have come for a new earthly start,

The song of our praises

will pour out from our heart:


“We thank you, our God, for all you have done.

All things are new by the rule of your Son.

The fullness of our heart overflows in our song;

All glory and honor and praise to you belong.”

2. Now see yourself, and see me too;

And look ahead to a world that is new.

No sight we see, no sound we hear

Will cause alarm or give rise to fear.

All has come true, just as he said;

Now over mankind, his tent is spread.

He now will awaken those sleeping in death;

Their voices will join ours with

ev’ry grateful breath:


“We thank you, our God, for all you have done.

All things are new by the rule of your Son.

The fullness of our heart overflows in our song;

All glory and honor and praise to you belong.”

Sailing Boat

If you would like to learn more about silas' beliefs and the beautiful hope that is helping our family cope, please visit

Solid Square

"And the sea gave up the dead in it, and death and the Grave gave up the dead in them... and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away."

Revelation 20:13; 21:4